Reliable connections for the nordics
The below table has the latency metrics, measured from router to router in our network. RTD is short hand for Round Trip Time, which measures the time in milliseconds in takes for a ping packet to reach the destination and respond back to the source.
RTD | Oslo | Kristiansand | Stavanger | Stockholm | Copenhagen | Helsinki | London | Amsterdam | New York City | Dallas | Singapore |
Oslo | X | 4ms | 8ms | 7ms | 7ms | 12ms | 16ms | 22ms | 84ms | 122ms | 172ms |
Kristiansand | 4ms | X | 4ms | 12ms | 4ms | 16ms | 20ms | 20ms | 88ms | 124ms | 180ms |
Stavanger | 8ms | 4ms | X | 12ms | 8ms | 20ms | 12ms | 24ms | 88ms | 120ms | 180ms |
Stockholm | 7ms | 12ms | 12ms | X | 7ms | 6ms | 23ms | 20ms | 97ms | 126ms | 186ms |
Copenhagen | 7ms | 4ms | 8ms | 7ms | X | 13ms | 16ms | 10ms | 90ms | 113ms | 173ms |
Helsinki | 12ms | 16ms | 20ms | 6ms | 13ms | X | 27ms | 35ms | 100ms | 132ms | 187ms |
London | 16ms | 20ms | 12ms | 23ms | 16ms | 27ms | X | 6ms | 70ms | 106ms | 163ms |
Amsterdam | 22ms | 20ms | 24ms | 20ms | 10ms | 35ms | 6ms | X | 76ms | 123ms | 160ms |
New York City | 84ms | 88ms | 88ms | 97ms | 90ms | 100ms | 70ms | 76ms | X | 33ms | |
Dallas | 122ms | 124ms | 120ms | 126ms | 113ms | 132ms | 106ms | 123ms | 33ms | ||
Singapore | 172ms | 180ms | 180ms | 186ms | 173ms | 187ms | 163ms | 160ms |
Secure network
All customers are terminated on a unique VLAN and IP-domain, so that sniffing of network traffic and capture of IP addresses between customers is not possible.
Professional incident management
In case of incidents, proactive information is alfa omega for confidence in the issue being resolved. We provide immediate reporting of all planned maintenance and incidents through a customer mailing list, in this list we have high transparency of our challenges and provide up-to-date information about any issues that may rise.
Far reaching MPLS services
We offer EoMPLS (Ethernet / Layer2) services on all our pops throughout our network, with high MTU.
Network design
All customers are directly terminated in coreswitches with a collapsed core configuration. We avoid shared capacity solutions and get the fastest possible convergence. The AS50304 network is designed for high uptime.
We have multiple redundant connections to the Internet and have our own BGP network, AS50304. We peer with other networks extensively, and we are the first network in Norway to get a 100Gbps port to the national internet exchange NIX (article in Norwegian). In addition our network is also present on the following exchanges FIXO in Norway, SONIX, Netnod, SOLIX and STHIX in Sweden, STHIX CPH in Denmark, and AMSIX in Amsterdam, LINX in London, and DE-CIX NYC in New York City to ensure low latency and high uptime. Our network has had IPv6 in production since the start and we have native IPv6 connections to all our transit partners and peers.
Carrier neutral
Customers can put equipment in our datacenters and choose their own upstream (carrier neutral). We provide services to traditional datacenter customers as well as telecom and/or other Internet Service Providers.
We also provide point-to-point circuits through our network.
Local Internet Registry (LIR with RIPE)
Blix Group, which owns Blix Solutions, is registered with RIPE as a LIR which lets us provide LIR and other RIPE consultancy services to our customers. This gives us the advantage of delivering unique IP addresses to our customers, which in some circumstances also can be transferable between providers.
Blix Network Backbone Network Map

Blix Network Oslo Metro Network Map